Monday, October 6, 2008


I was browsing files from my archive when I accidentally saw this folder that says, "S.E.A.S.O.N.S", and everything flashed back when I saw this picture. I mean.. the teeny bopper photos along with the other memorabilias. I told myself, "Ah sina WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER and AUTUMN"... and I suddenly questioned.. "Kamusta na kaya sila?"

It's been almost a year since we hurriedly posted in front of a camera, and we remained to be the portrait everyone would love to look at.

I don't know what happened; but one thing I am very much sure of... I MISS DOING THINGS LIKE THIS, WITH THEM, A LOT!

Hope that camera that brought the happy memories would still want to capture that one distinct factor we like about us... the "animalistic" appeal behind those "innocent" faces.

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